date night

Seven Out-of-the-(Chocolate)-Box Date Ideas for Valentine's Day

Valentine’s Day. It’s pretty dependable that it’s coming ‘round every year. No warning needed. And here it is again, upon us in just a couple of weeks.


So do you have a special someone you’re planning something for? Something memorable? Don’t have the same ‘ole date night this year. We think you should think outside of the (chocolate) box and do something a little different. We’ll get you started. Here are seven ideas you might want to consider:

1. Take a cocktail class. Look around in the area where you live and see if there’s a cocktail-making class. You and your date can create your own magical concoction and even give it a super-cutesy name. And of course anything made with Tito’s Vodka will surely be a winner! wink, wink

2. Give it a go at an escape game. Completely disregard that silly horror movie about escape games out in theaters right now! This is not about that, and escape games/rooms are a fun way to spend some time with someone…while also getting to know another side of them as a person - their brain! There are many, many in the Central Florida area and if you’re in another city just give it a quick Google search for some escape games around you.

3. Visit a museum. This one might seem a tad cliché but seriously - when was the last time you actually visited a museum?

4. Sample a wine room or local vineyard. Just make sure to drink responsibly, as always.


5. Take a ghost tour. Many cities—particularly in the south—have ghost tours on the regular. It’s definitely an “out-of-the-box” idea and even if it turns out to be a little lame there are certain to be some spooky-grab-on-to-me moments that will bring you and your date closer together. See - we’re doing the thinking for ya!

6. Tour a local gardens or plant shop. This one might be more of a Valentine’s Day “day” idea, but it’s certainly romantic and who doesn’t love looking at pretty flowers? Of course, it’s crazy cold in many areas around the country so this may not be an option if you’re outside of the Central Florida area. But if you’re living here in Orlando the weather may end up being just right. Perhaps a visit to Leu Gardens or Mead Botanical Garden?

7. Take a painting class. It might be a canvas painting class or pottery class. You may not really have any interest in what the final product will be, but most of these places allow their guests to bring wine so you can enjoy a glass or two while working on your creation. It might make a great gift for an upcoming birthday or something special for a child or niece or nephew.

So what do you think? Has this helped spark some ideas for a more interesting Valentine’s Day than usual? If you have any other ideas feel free to share!